Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Quantitative and Academic Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Quantitative and Academic Skills - Essay Example that are transferable and applicable to a current job/profession. In general, these skills are non-job specific skills which can be used in different occupations. By communicating the transferable skills effectively, one can enhance marketability and open themselves up to a larger sector of the job market. In very simple terms, transferable skills are skills which can be used in more than one setting. They can be â€Å"moved†or â€Å"transferred†from one setting to another. Transferable skills are not only gained in the workplace. They are also acquired by volunteering; by life experiences; by study or training or perhaps by being involved in an interest or hobby. In recent times however, rapid changes taking place in industry and the economy have dictated the need for a more adaptable and flexible workforce. These days, up-skilling and lifelong learning are the norm, and the ability to transfer this knowledge and these skills from one situation to another has become paramount. There is no doubt that much transferable skills development is already naturally taking place while in the schools and colleges. However, these tend to be the more â€Å"invisible†learning outcomes of academic life as transferable skills are still rarely explicitly taught or assessed (Curry, et al. 2003). The transferable skills that employers identify tend to be those that support organizational performance. They may be identified as follows: Interpersonal skills; Communication skills; Self-management skills; Intellectual skills. It is easy to identify occupationally relevant skills acquired through training and education but much more difficult to pinpoint transferable skills. For example, if we examine the Law Discipline, how law schools can assist their students to develop such skills as communication, problem solving, autonomy, teamwork, information technology, numeracy, and general intellectual skills, and to be able to present their achievements to
Monday, October 28, 2019
Communication Skills for Health Professionals Essay Example for Free
Communication Skills for Health Professionals Essay Introduction Communication skills are important for health professionals because they deal with different situations and people every day. Furthermore, an example to use the appropriate communication is when the professional has to give bad news of an unfavourable diagnostics. For instance, the dentist to give the diagnostics of oral cancer for their patient, this situation is necessary to have correct communication to do the treatment and to give the correct support for their patient such as empathy and touch. Body Firstly, most of people who seek a professional health is because they are in unfarovable health condition and need special care. Also, it is very common in dental treatment because many people feel afraid when to go the dentist. It is proved that many of them feeling very anxious when they go to a dental treatment (Cockburn and Walters).Principally, in unfavourable diagnostics, for example oral cancer. In this context, the health professional have ability to provide the appropriate communication such empathy. For professional to be empathy is very important for all principally in bad news that involves patient and sometimes to their family fully to give information and to help continuing the treatment.(Mundada, 2012). A patient with an unfavourable diagnostics need of feel comfortable on various parameters and the empathy as communications is very helpful like dealing with your anxiety, expectations for your family can follow the treatment. The empathy interferes On impacts of the treatment procedure and the expectations of what will be the treatment. This type of communications is extremely important in case the conversation, clarify doubts and speak as will be the treatment for the patient to be aware of what can happen and not have unexpected reactions. Secondly, it is very important factor and has a good ability of communication such as touch because it helps to support psychological care during treatment. Sometimes many doctors have difficult to deal with kind of situations such as painful, physical suffering impending death and bereavement (Cockburn and Walters, 1999). Also, it is known that many undergrade students are not trained in communications skills and many medical schools do not insist in this subject. Its represents the lack of touch in a long time (Cockburn and Walters, 1999). The communication such as touch in the treatment sometimes is difficult to many doctors because they attend many people in the same day and they will have this situation for a long time.(Cockburn and Wlaters,1999) that occurs common factor and many times it is interfere in the patient treatment because they do not have the adequate type of this. Principally, with bad diagnostics that usually is not expected for anyone. One of the most difficult tasks for some doctors is to break bad news to a patient, such as a diagnosis of cancer. (Cockburn and Waterls, 1999) That may causes stress, familiars problems, emotional factors. The most appropriate commination skills is helpul to create a field to the patient feel comfortable and freely to do the procedure and touch in extremely important in this situation. The most important factor for the communicate is with professionalism and use the communication that can better confidence and quality of care in the patient.(Mundada,1992).Its helps the patient expects dentists to listen and understand their needs.(Mudunda,1992). Conclusion Take everything into account communications skills are essential for all health professionals. Sometimes, in medical schools this subject in not trained to undergrade (Cockburn and Walters). Also, lack of communication can interfere the patient treatment principally when is necessary give bad news that involves many emotional problems such as psychological and anxiety. Obviously, the professional cannot support all problems to their patient but give the appropriate support with professionalism and empathy and touch good cues of communication and it help the professionals to have a great impressive and attend the necessity of their patients.(Mundada and Walters). Reference: Annette Hannah, Ph.D.; C. Jane Milliamp, Ph.D.; Kathryn M.S. Ayers, M.D.S. A Communication Skills Course for Undergraduate Dental Students. Journal of Dental Education. Volume 68, Number 9 J. Cockburn and W. A.W. Walters. Communication between doctors and patients. Current Obstetrics Gymecology (1999) 9, 34400 1999 Hat-court Brace Co. Ltda. Mundada,Vikek. Effective communication skills and professionalism for better dentistepatient relationship. Indian Journal of Dentistry 2012.July e September Volume 3, Number 3; pp. 182 e 183.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Enlightenment and Tartuffe :: Free Essays Online
Enlightenment and Tartuffe The ideals of the Enlightenment can be found in many of the writings from this time period. There are a few characteristics that are commonly associated with the Enlightenment. This was the age of reason. People at this time began to apply rational thoughts to figure out and understand nature and to guide their human existence. In Moliere’s Tartuffe, this ideal is expressed through the character of the king. In the end, Tartuffe has brought an officer of the king back to take Orgon away. However, in Tartuffe’s attempt to get Orgon arrested, the king saw through him and reasoned that Tartuffe was the one to be accused and put to trial. Another defining characteristic is the desire for equality and dignity for all, the thought that all have a set of basic human rights. The Enlightenment also challenged many of the former ideologies, one of which was ignorance. Tartuffe exemplifies these characteristics through the character Dorine. Dorine is Mariane’s lady-maid, in other words, someone with a low social standing because she is a member of the working class, and presumably ignorant because of this low social status. However, in the story, she is much smarter than Orgon and also a lot more reasonable. This shows that it does not matter what social class one comes from to determine their level of intelligence. Her closeness and acceptance by the family, with the exception of Orgon, shows that people can be viewed for their own worth and value. Dorine is someone from a lower social standing than the family, but yet, is able to socialize and befriend the family she works for. Another challenge is to superstition, deception, and oppressive traditions. Tartuffe is a character that is related to the church and yet is a very deceptive, hypocritical character. He is able to con Orgon into letting him into his home. Furthermore, Orgon is deceived into disinheriting his own son and leaving all the inheritances to Tartuffe. Orgon is an example of the oppressive person who tries to maintain complete control.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
“12 Angry Men†by Reginald Rose Essay
When reading the play â€Å"12 angry men†, is it hard to ignore the prominent character- ‘the 8th Juror’. As the plot unfolds, the reader notices that Juror #8 is the only one among the 12 who really understands the seriousness of the situation at their hands. At the very beginning of the play, you can see that there is no sympathy towards the boy accused of murder. And why should it be? All the evidence that was brought up in the court room has crushed the defense and the boy’s chances on the trial. The prosecution made it clear that the boy is guilty. In fact, too clear- The defense was helpless and left many holes in their case. That’s why in the initial vote done by the jurors, everybody votes â€Å"guilty†(against the boy) except for #8. And here we see the first importance of #8: because of his reasonable doubt the jury hadn’t found the boy guilty at the first 10 minutes of their debating, which would have ended the trial. #8 did not necessarily believe the boy was innocent, but he understood that if he raised his hand at that vote- it would all end. They will not have a chance to discuss the case, and it will, in his eyes, belittle the value of human life. Furthermore, we can see that #8 is a key character in many other parts of the play. After starting to talk about the case, some of the other jurors got mad and tried to convince #8 to vote â€Å"guilty†and end the discussion. Yet, he stayed calm and tried to continue debating in spite of their efforts to â€Å"convert†him. After realizing that he is standing alone against them, he called for another vote, in which he will not participate (a rather questionable action, considering he had not yet spoke out the contradictions that he had found in the prosecution’s case). This was a rather bold step, but it paid out because of #9, who changed his vote to â€Å"not guilty†because of his respect towards #8 and #8’s courage. We see that despite the efforts the 11 jurors made, #8 stuck to his position and allowed the continuation of the play. At page 26 we see another contribution to the unfolding of the case- Juror #8 brings up the question whether the old man (who had testified about hearing the accused boy shouting â€Å"I’m going to kill you†) could really hear what he had clamed he heard. #8 makes the brilliant connection between two pieces of separate testimonies and proves (as much as it can be proved) that it was not possible for the old man to hear that. One by one he shattered the so-called facts, as he proved that â€Å"Sometimes the facts that are staring you in the face are wrong†. He develops the issue with the 15-seconds walk the old man apparently took, the eyeglasses marks next to the testifying woman’s eyes and many more. You can say that juror #8 has an additional importance to the play, in the terms of his character and personality. He shows a side that the jurors could not see- he tried to put himself in the boy’s shoes and see the case from a different perspective. By doing that, he showed the other jurors how prejudice can prevent people from seeing the truth (or in their case- judge in a fare manner). You can honestly say that if it were not for him, the boy would have been put to death for sure. He may only be an architect, but he presented his arguments like a lawyer and proved his theories throughout the play. He avoided being personally involved and let his sharp and lucid mind lead him and the rest of the jury on their way to solve the case.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Different Parenting Styles
There are many different ways of parenting children. Some are more favorable than others and some can even damage one’s emotional future, causing problems such as anxiety, unhappiness, and other low self-esteem issues. Although there are four distinct parenting styles, many parents are often somewhere in between a couple on the scale. My parents often took to the authoritative style, which is known currently as the most successful approach. The authoritative parent is involved in their child’s life and is accepting as well as sensitive to their needs.Sometimes, I could see my parents as being authoritarian, which is common because many parents find a kind of medium between these two styles. Unlike authoritative, the authoritarian parenting style is highly ineffective. However, there is a contrast of the severity of the authoritarian style. Authoritarian parents are portrayed as criticizing and bitter, often yelling, threatening, and habitually resorting to punishment in stead of the warm guiding ways of the authoritative parent. The authoritarian side of my upbringing was often used by my father.Although spanking is commonly frowned upon, my dad used spanking as a way to show me right from wrong, and I believe that he used the punishment in the best way it could possibly be used. I was spanked when I brought bad grades home from school, when I showed bad behavior, and especially when I lied. This punishment was used, I think, in a way of encouragement to better myself. On the other hand, my mother was the one who used the authoritative style. She began using the technique when I got older and more mature, I believe, because I could understand another’s point of view.When I did something wrong against another person, my mom would sit me down and tell me why I was wrong and how the situation appeared to the other person. The effects of different parenting styles vary from family to family, but they are often very similar. As a child, I showed a lot of the characteristics of a child of authoritarian parents, such as low self-esteem, shyness, and anger. However, as I matured, I began showing more characteristics of a child of authoritative parents.I became more social, got a higher self-esteem, and realized that my problem solving skills have increased. My best friend growing up was Allison. Her parents were a constant conversation topic for us, as they were not the best parents in the world. I guess you would call them extreme authoritarians. They utilized extreme control, insisted on absolute obedience, and constantly criticized her. Eventually, this threw her into an all-time low self-esteem, which is something that commonly occurs to children of authoritarian parents.Furthermore, she had become anxious and withdrawn. Because authoritarian parents often take on a type of psychological control, which includes behaviors that intrude on and manipulate children’s verbal expression, individuality, and attachments to p arents, Ally became defiant and angry as well. Her parents wanted to decide practically everything for her, and in the process, put down her ideas and decisions and made clear that they disapproved of her friends. Authoritarian parents often withdraw their love from their children.Ally’s parents were one of these parents. An example is how her parents had supported her decision to go to her dream college. Once she got the acceptance letter, they withdrew their blessing, along with the financial help they had promised her. She no longer has an opportunity to go to college. Another example, and major distress to her, Ally’s parents kicked her out of their house before she turned seventeen, and she has been bouncing from house to house ever since. Unlike me, because Ally’s parents were extremely authoritarian, Ally did not turn out as well.Don’t get me wrong, she was a nice, sociable girl growing up. But as she matured, she sought out love and attention in g uys. I figure that because her father never gave her the proper love or attention, she turned to various guys to find the â€Å"love†and attention she craved. As far as my relationships go, I believe that my parents did a good job with the way they acted around me. What I mean is, seeing the way my parents treated each other as equals definitely influenced my outlook on relationships in a positive way.They are a huge influence on me but I don’t exactly â€Å"hear†their voices when I am doing something they would consider unfavorable. Once in a while when I am in those situations, I do feel a bit of remorse towards what I am doing. I figure that it is from the autonomy granting and problem solving qualities of authoritative parenting. Before taking this class, I had thought very little of how I would parent my future children. I did not even know that there were different styles of parenting.When I learned about the distinct styles of child rearing, I began to think of which style my parents had used. I also started considering what style I might use. I decided that I like the way my parents raised me, contrary to my prior beliefs. I like how they balanced their parenting between authoritative and authoritarian, leaning more to the authoritative side, of course. There are a few exceptions to their style, though, that I would like to change into my own parenting style. For instance, I would like to use even more of an authoritative style than an authoritarian one, than my parents had.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Advertising, Publicity, and Public Relations
Advertising, Publicity, and Public Relations Introduction The ultimate goal of every business is to sell its products to as many customers as possible in order to make high profits. To achieve this goal, businesses employ various strategies, which include advertising, public relations, publicity, and direct salespersons to market their products. This paper will discuss the importance of each of these strategies in the process of marketing a product.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Advertising, Publicity, and Public Relations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Significance of a Salesperson Salespersons make significant contributions to their companies since they possess a variety of values that alternative marketing systems such as e-commerce cannot replace. To begin with, a salesperson is an expert who is well connected in a particular market segment. This enables him to reach out to customers and to identify their needs, thereby creating opportunities for new pr oduct development and market share expansion. An effective salesperson is usually likeable and is capable of building strong relationships with customers. The relationships enable customers to identify with the company’s product, thereby increasing the chances of repeat purchases. Salespeople identify important leads that ultimately turn into huge sales. They are passionate about the company’s product and explain its benefits to customers in a manner that creates a lasting emotional impact. It is this personal connection rather than the product or brand that turns potential customers into actual customers. In a nutshell, salespersons are very important since they enable companies to take business away from their competitors. The type of the product being sold determines the significance of the salesperson. For instance, first moving consumer goods (FMCG) such as bread usually do not require a salesperson because the consumers already have adequate knowledge about them. Additionally, the product is so important to the consumer that they have to buy it without being persuaded by a salesperson. However, for a service such as insurance a salesperson is very important because the product is costly, has complicated features, and is often associated with rip-off. In this context, a salesperson is not only needed to explain the benefits of the product, but also to convince customers to purchase it. Expectations of a Salesperson The main expectations of a salesperson include the following. First, a salesperson expects to maintain a high customer satisfaction rate. This helps in reducing customer attrition by improving the loyalty of existing clients. Second, a salesperson expects to maintain a positive and professional attitude.Advertising Looking for essay on advertising? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A positive attitude is important to a salesperson since he is bound to experience reje ction in the market. A positive attitude provides the motivation to pursue new leads in order to meet sales targets. Third, a salesperson expects to meet his sales targets within the set timeline. In order to realize this expectation, the salesperson is required to have excellent negotiation skills and product knowledge. The sales role is a position that I would be interested in. This decision is supported by the following facts. To begin with, the role will enable me to make valuable contributions to the company. Undoubtedly, selling is the most important activity in any company since it directly generates revenue. The sales role is also important to me because it creates new challenges that have to be addressed through innovative strategies. This not only eliminates boredom, but also provides numerous opportunities for learning and creativity. Working as a salesperson is a highly rewarding career in nearly every company. For instance, most organizations provide their sales personn el with a fixed and a variable pay. The variable component provides the opportunity to the salesperson to increase his income according to his ability. Advertising Policy Ethics determine the long-term benefit of advertising. Specifically, the society’s perception or attitude towards an advert can lead to an increase in demand or a total rejection of a product. An advertising activity is considered to be ethical if it demonstrates respect to the target audience. Showing respect in advertising involves anticipating and addressing the intentional and the unintentional effects of an advert on the society. Based on these perspectives, my advertising policy would be to create responsible desire. This involves using advertising to create desire or stimuli in a manner that does not create harm in the society. Basically, this policy is based on the principle of do good and no harm. The proposed policy is likely to be effective because it addresses all the elements of a firm’s triple bottom line. The elements include profitability, social responsibility, and environmental responsibility. Creating responsible desires leads to sustainable advertising. Adverts that do not cause any harm to the society and the environment will not be resisted by social activists or banned by the government. Thus, they can be used for a long time to stimulate the public to purchase a particular product, thereby increasing the company’s profits. Public Relations, Publicity, and Corporate Advertising Publicity, public relations, and corporate advertising have the following similarities. First, they are all used to create awareness about a company and its products. Second, they all depend on the print and electronic media to convey information about the company and its products.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Advertising, Publicity, and Public Relations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Publicity, public r elations, and corporate advertising are different in the following ways. Publicity is the act of drawing the attention of the media in order to improve the visibility of a brand, product or a company in the public. The main objective of publicity is to garner as much media coverage as possible in order to create awareness about a brand or a product. Unlike advertising, publicity is often not paid for. Moreover, publicity does not involve controlling what is being covered by the media. Thus, publicity can be positive or negative. For instance, Virgin Cola brand received positive publicity in the US when the chairman of the company that produces it, Sir Richard Branson, drove a Sherman tank down a street in New York in 1998 during its launch. The main strength of publicity is that it enables companies to create brand awareness at a low cost. Public relations activities are concerned with influencing the public’s opinion through the media. Thus, its main objective is to improve the reputation of a brand or a company. For instance, after the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, BP used public relations in 2012 to regain its reputation as an efficient firm in the oil industry. Thus, the main benefit of public relations is to help companies to minimize the negative impact of various events on their brands. Advertising involves paying media companies to convey specific information about a brand or a product. Unlike publicity, advertising enables the company to determine the message that the media presents to the public about its product. The difference between advertising and public relations is that the later positions information as news, whereas the former presents information as an appeal to make a purchase decision. For instance, Nokia Lumia 920 gained market share in the US in 2012 after its advert presented iPhone 5 (its main competitor) as boring. Publicity in Future Publicity will continue to play an important role in improving the competitiveness of products in future because of the following reasons. First, publicity ensures credibility since the message about the product emanates from an independent source. As the public becomes more informed about the consequences of consuming various products, publicity will be one of the tools that companies will use to enhance the credibility of their brands. Second, publicity is cost-effective and provides a lot of information to the public. As competition increases in various industries in future, companies are likely to turn to publicity to improve their brand awareness at low costs. Finally, technological advancements such as the use of the internet and smartphones to access real-time information will enhance the suitability of publicity in marketing.Advertising Looking for essay on advertising? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Conclusion Advertising, publicity, and public relations are used by marketers to improve the brand awareness for their products. Unlike advertising and public relations, publicity is cost-effective and is likely to be used in future by companies that have limited marketing budgets. Apart from implementing the aforementioned strategies, companies should employ salespersons to sell their products. However, the need for a salesperson depends on the characteristics of the product. References Amstrong, G., Kotler, P. (2011). Marketing: An Introduction. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Hisrich, R. (2000). Marketing. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons. Johnsons, M. (2012). Attracting and Retaining Customers in a Competitive Market. Strategic Direction, 28(1), 17-20. Kazmi, S. (2007). Marketing Management. London, England: Sage. Pride, W. (2004). Marketing. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Ranchhod, A., Marandi, E. (2005). Strategic Marketing in Practice. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Monday, October 21, 2019
5 Ways to Trump Your Career
5 Ways to Trump Your Career Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is not going away anytime soon. While there are plenty of â€Å"what NOT to do†tips we can take from his long and controversial career, there’s no disputing the fact that his billions in the bank came from somewhere. And although Trump is a pretty unique phenomenon (no matter what you do to your hair to try to emulate his signature ‘do), there are definitely some takeaways that we can apply to our own careers. 1. Get investors.Trump inherited money from the family real estate business, and used this to get started with his own investment career. Now, most of us don’t have millionaire parents (at least not before this week’s Powerball drawing), so we’re not working with that kind of startup capital. But these days we have a ton of great crowdsourcing tools, if you have a small business or an idea that you want to bring to life. Sites like give you the opportunity to bring investors into your prof essional life.2. Don’t give up.Some choices will just not pan out, whether it’s a job you hate or your Atlantic City casino going belly-up. Trump’s professional entities have gone through a number of bankruptcy proceedings over the years, yet here he still is. The most important idea to take from this is that there’s always another opportunity. Learn from your losses and frustrations, and be ready to leave them behind and try again somewhere else.3. Realize everything comes down to the deals you make.Trump is synonymous with the phrase â€Å"the art of the deal.†It’s debatable whether political deals are exactly the same as business deals, but a philosophy that Trump clearly takes to heart is one that states that you will never get ahead if you don’t negotiate for yourself. That can apply to salary negotiations, working with your boss, or even managing relationships with your colleagues. Always look out for your own best interests.4. Try new things.How many billionaire businessmen can you remember hosting Saturday Night Live? When I was a kid, Donald Trump was THE go-to businessman. In later years, he started to branch out more into the entertainment industry- not the most intuitive path for someone with a Wharton business degree. And after that ran its course (with endless seasons of Apprentices and Celebrity Apprentices running around New York trying to organize soft drink launch parties to curry favor with The Donald), he took another odd turn- this time into politics. Reinventing yourself is necessary to stay out of professional ruts.5. Find talented people around you.The whole premise of The Apprentice was taking a successful person (Trump) and finding new and fresh talent to bring into his professional orbit. It’s a formula that has worked in a number of industries (every Gordon Ramsay cooking show seems to feature a chef-ship in one of his restaurants as a prize), and can work in the real world as well. No one, not even Trump, can manage an empire alone. The key is to find people around you who bring knowledge and skills that you might not have, to make sure you’re performing your best. If you’re a manager, that might mean hiring diverse talent. If you’re not a manager, that might mean bonding with a variety of different coworkers, or finding a diverse range of people to add to your network.If you like what The Donald has to say, you are likely already paging through your copy of The Art of the Deal for the third or fourth time. But even if you can’t imagine yourself ever voting for him on Election Day, it’s not the worst thing to stay open to the idea that there are things he can teach us about our own careers.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Conservative Views on Immigration Reform
Conservative Views on Immigration Reform In 2006, liberal documentarian Morgan Spurlock devoted a segment of his show 30 Days Latest Developments His resolve may seem surprising, considering how close he became with the Gonzalez family, but his position was vilified in 2009 as a rash of kidnappings occurred in Arizona as a direct result of illegal immigration. Members of Mexican drug cartels, in the US illegally, would kidnap American citizens for ransom, and send the money across the border, where its value was inflated. While the kidnap victims were often the relative of a drug-trafficker, they were just as often the relative of an immigrant smuggler. Phoenix became the kidnap capitol of the US in 2009, with more incidents than any city in the world except for Mexico City.Immigrant smuggling has become more popular in US states bordering Mexico because a load of 30 immigrants can net the smuggler anywhere from $45,000 to $75,000.Very often, conservatives favoring immigration reform will couch the issue in terms of national security. Illegal immigration goes well beyond the US/Mexico border, and kidnapping isnt the only prob lem. In the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, it was revealed that all 19 hijackers entered the US with valid documents. Some, however, had committed fraud to obtain them. The fraud was easily perpetrated thanks to glaring and easy-to-fix loopholes in the US visa system. Background The issue of illegal immigration is very different from the issue of immigration itself. While most conservatives have no problem with immigrants, there are conflicting opinions about illegal aliens. Conservative opinions are as complex as the issue itself.So-called law and order conservatives favor tightening the US border and deporting illegal aliens back to their countries of origin wherever they may be. Reflecting the growing dependency on illegal labor in the US, so-called business interest conservatives favor easing immigration restrictions and acknowledging the economic importance of immigrant workers. Americans willing to work hard should be able to make a decent living. President Barack Obama to One of the major contributing factors to illegal immigration is the fact that the employment rate in Mexico, which has never been especially sturdy, is reaching alarming lows. Solutions Resolving illegal immigration isnt easy.For example, most people, even immigration reform advocates, would agree that denying anyone emergency medical care is morally wrong. Yet, they would also agree that access to American medical care shouldnt be a perk for illegal immigrants and yet it is. Illegal laborers injured during the course of a menial job are treated by topnotch American physicians.Separating families is also morally wrong, yet when two illegal aliens have a child in America, the child becomes a US citizen, which means deporting the parents creates an American orphan. Heres an example of illegal aliens accessing US medical facilities, and also creating an avenue to permanent US residency without the necessity of becoming an American citizen.Americans consider things like medical care and family unity basic human rights, but for many immigrants who arent afforded the same rights in their countries of origin, these rights are often seen as rewards for making it to America . While rewarding people who come to America illegally only encourages more people to come illegally, the solution is not to deny them their basic human rights.If the giant moat we call the Atlantic Ocean isnt enough to deter illegal immigration, building bigger and stronger fences at the US/Mexico border wont be either. As conservative humorist PJ ORourke observed, Fence the border and give a huge boost to the Mexican ladder industry.About the only viable solution to the problem of illegal immigration is removing the incentive to emigrate to America. If people have no reason to leave home, they wont. Poverty, persecution and opportunity are the main reasons people flee their country of origin. Better foreign aid and a more engaged foreign policy may be the only options to stem the tide of illegal immigration. The Trouble With Amnesty From An amnesty for illegal aliens forgives their acts of illegal immigration and implicitly forgives other related illegal acts such as driving and working with false documents. The result of an amnesty is that large numbers of foreigners who illegally gained entry into the United States are rewarded with legal status (Green Card) for breaking immigration laws. Where It Stands Liberals claim that resident illegals do pay taxes, albeit indirectly. When they pay rent, their landlord uses that money to pay property taxes. When they buy groceries, clothing or other household items, they pay sales tax. This, the liberals say, supports the economy.What they do not realize, however, is how much illegal immigration costs as a result of the taxes illegal immigrants do not pay.For example, when children are brought into the country illegally and use the American educational system, their parents are not paying the local municipal taxes that provide for their childrens education. The problems are more than financial, however. As weve shown, American citizens in the employment sector are denied opportunities every day thanks to illegal immigration. Opportunities are also blocked in the academic community, as well. A college mandated to meet a racial quota may reject an American citizen or a legal immigrant in favor of an illegal immigrant with the appropriate cultural background. Despite the urgent need to pass comprehensive immigration reform, President Barack Obama recently announced his administration will do nothing to address the problem this year. Somehow Obama believes the trouble with the economy and the trouble with immigration are mutually exclusive.Dont expect to see much from the Obama administration on immigration reform at all, unless it is to ease the way for illegals. There are rumors that Obama will make some sort of policy statement regarding illegal immigration in May.Its important to remember that in 2006, Obamas support for a national amnesty movement was apparent as he marched down the streets of Chicago arm-in-arm with illegal immigrants. Then, last year, he promised Latinos that he would develop a plan to make legal status possible for an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants. If the rumors are true, conservatives should brace themselves for a proposal from the administration along these lines.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Effect of Music During Worship Service Term Paper
Effect of Music During Worship Service - Term Paper Example Consequently, the congregation expresses their unity through singing together a repeated common story thus facilitating the formation of religious identity. Gospel music components such as the pitch, rhythm and lyrics are humanly organised thus they strongly affect the worshippers emotions through influencing the chemical processes of the brain thus leading to reflections, joy, sadness and physical expression of the gospel truth through body movements (Wren, 2000). In addition, emotions are reflected in the patterns of belief and actions like bodily movements unlike passive listening to professional choirs (Christian, 2003). The research paper will enable us understand the reasons behind the growth of use of music during worship especially in evangelical churches. The research will be instrumental in composition of worship music that strengthens the emotions of the worshippers and glorifies the gospel. Hypothesis statement Music executed properly will bring the glory of God that will cause every believer to participate in the worship service. Research questions In order to understand the effect of music during worship, the research paper will answer the following questions. I. How often is music used during worship? II. Does music during worship strengthen the emotions and minds of the worshippers? III. Does music during worship allow more freedom of expression through the lifting of hands and other body movements? IV. Can music during worship unify Christians and exalt God? Literature review In 1500, Roman Catholic Church worship was practically a formal affair with professional choirs leading the music. However, the prevailing attitude among the congregations was that God needed the best from every worshiper instead of worshippers listening attentively to... This paper approves that music during worship will establish the mood thus enabling the congregation to value both faith and feelings towards the creator. Musical rhythms have deep personal associations for worshippers thus act as a reference point during worship. Music during worship facilitates revelation since Christians believe that revelation that is both natural through human experience and also supernatural through praise and worship. However, majority of the Catholic respondents see music as not essential during worship and they do not necessary express their freedom through bodily movements, but through prayer. The research findings point out that a majority of the Churches incorporate music during their worship regardless of whether in an urban or rural setting. This report makes a conclusion that music is a powerful tool of worship since it influences the mental and spiritual aspects of the worshippers. The primary effect of music is to provides the worshippers an opportunity for participation thus improving their remembering and reinforcing the unity and gospel truth. Music during worship affects the worshippers’ emotions and feelings thus strengthening their spiritual and mental capacities. Nearly all Churches, regardless of the denomination have incorporated either Gospel or contemporary music in their services. Although traditional churches denominations like the Catholic have not appreciated the effect of music during worship, modern denominations like the Baptism appreciate music as essential in worship.
ITM Innovation Technology Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
ITM Innovation Technology Management - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the study of the innovation process in and amongst organizations has evolved as a multi-disciplinary endeavor. Innovation is the process of making changes to sumfink established by introducing sumfink new that adds value to customers and contributes to the knowledge store of the organization. One can use all they need to introduce some advancement and innovation, yet one cannot promise achievement. In today’s world, some companies are striving hard to bring sumfink innovative in the market or introduce some innovation in their existing products. As the market has become more competitive over the past few years that businesses now have to focus much on the changing trends of innovations, whether its technologies or strategic plans of some companies. Companies are much more likely to gain the positive response from the consumers if they fulfill the demands of the customers. However, many companies still avoid from going to any inn ovation process as they think that the unique or new change might not be acceptable to their customers. Nonetheless, there are many companies who thought out of the box and introduced such amazing products and services in the market and within their organizations that they are now counted amongst the top 10 innovative companies of the world. No wonder, every company would have to pass through some experiences, both negative and positive but the ones who surpassed the hard times and took the risks are now the ones who are the most appreciated amongst their customers.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Compare and contrast the use of shapes and color in the works of Essay
Compare and contrast the use of shapes and color in the works of Antoni Gaudi and Friedensreich Hundertwasser - Essay Example Hundertwassers structures are not focused around bones like Gaudis. The greater part of his structures looks current. He utilizes a combo of unexpected shapes and squares of shadow to make his structures emerge from different structures. This picture demonstrates within one of his structures. There are numerous diverse shades inside, which do not go together however look great in the way they are masterminded. Two of the most noted, imaginative and regarded specialists of the twentieth century, Antoni Gaudi and Friedensreich Hundertwasser, made works that will always live in the archives of aesthetic legend. While Hundertwasser speaks to a later school of Austrian craft, and worked primarily in Vienna, Gaudi, expert of the incredible, colored a prior scene in Barcelona, Spain with legendary construction modeling that right up until today has not been copied. While the works of both artists speak to blasts of color and structure, most who perspective, those, without cautious examination and assessment, might not see their reasonable likenesses fit as a fiddle and utilization of shade. They do exist. The aim of the essay is to show similarities and differences between the masterpieces of two architects from different countries and different period. The similarities is the cause to find more differences and versus. Waiting lines for entry into the artist’s most famous structure, La Sagrada Familia are always long. Tourists come to observe its amazing mix of shapes and influencesthat startle and bring tears to the eyes of many. Gaudi never finished La Sagrada Familia before his death in 1926 after being struck by a tram car. The Eye on Spain website states that the work is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site; ongoing work on the cathedral led by architect Jordi Bonet i Armengol is using modern computer design technology to finish the work. For Gaudi, a man ahead of his time, Barcelona was his palette upon which he designed and created his
Analyze Emmi in Switzerland and predict how they can be more Essay
Analyze Emmi in Switzerland and predict how they can be more sustainable in 2054 - Essay Example This essay will set out to examine the sustainability of Emmi Company, and its sustainability potential in the future, especially in relation to environmental impacts and anticipated changes in the next forty years. Emmi has sought to differentiate its brand by enhancing sustainability in the past through careful and sustainable use of resources, and in its production activities. By doing this, Emmi seeks to satisfy required food standards for its market niche, ensuring that its products are safe and of high quality (Emmi Group: Genuine Swiss Premium Taste, 2014: p1). Basing their activities on economic production, they are also aware of the customers’ anticipation that Emmi pursues a strategy of sustainability that should have continuous price reductions as an attribute. This brings up a crucial aspect of Emmi’s business strategy in attempting to satisfy the customers’ expectations for superior brand quality in relation to maintaining customer friendly prices. This paper discusses the strategy pursued by Emmi in using competent and sound technologies that enable them to carry out energy intensive processes, making the company one of the industry’s leading entity in corporate responsibility. Sustainability is also a critical aspect of Emmi’s mission statement that all its employees are expected to adhere to in sustaining the company’s commitment to corporate management that is environmentally friendly. The sustainability strategy at Emmi is based on three key pillars, which are social commitment, economics, and ecology and finding a balance between these pillars (Three strategic pillars, 2014: p1). These pillars are grounded on corporate values that are aligned with its corporate philosophy, which will bring the pap er to an analysis of Emmi’s environmental impacts and changes anticipated in the next forty years, in relation to their global business’ sustainability potential. Emmi’s environmental policy holds that
Thursday, October 17, 2019
A proposal for an e-business venture Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
A proposal for an e-business venture - Assignment Example Different types of operational issues like growth of phishing activities by hackers and also in the number of fraudulent transactions carried out on the e-commerce platform happen to generate greater risks to the conducting of the e-commerce business. Failure in enhancing data integrity and security in information sharing activities along the e-commerce platform generates effective risk to the e-commerce company (Nastase and Nastase, 2007). The functions of e-commerce companies also run effective technical risk owing to the growth of intrusion of malicious software like Trojan horses; virus attacks and also being affected by worms and activities of hackers that tend to affect both the software and hardware components. Similarly the growth of fraudulent activities and errors also relate to technical risks of the e-commerce site (Sukumar & Edgar, 2009). The management of the above risks entail the use of surveys to identify and evaluate the different types of risks related to e-commerce along with their potential of affecting the present state of activities. It also requires potential communication among interested parties and stakeholders relating to the identification of the different risks. This contributes in generating needed awareness about the risks and thereby in planning effective strategies related to designing of security and authentication tools to help in mitigating the same (Jaffe, 2000). E-commerce business operates based on the gathering of confidential information related to consumers. The e-commerce companies are thus required to act as effective custodians of the personal information generated by the customers through working on the dimensions of internal controls. Ethical and privacy concerns related to e-commerce pertain to the sharing and publication of confidential information of the consumers without the prior consent. Confidential information of consumers shared with third party may also amount to the fraudulent use of such in
Psychological Approaches Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Psychological Approaches - Essay Example Thus, controlled variables like the conditions of the testing environment and the health of the applicant should be considered before administering the exam. However, these are not commonly given much attention by the HR department or the company who’s administering the test to measure the capability of the examiner. Therefore, validity of exams may not be high. Still exams are considered to get the profile of the applicant and sometimes its result is correlated or validated with the result of the interview conducted by the selection committees. As mentioned, what is mostly considered in the profiles generated by personality assessment measures the capabilities and preferences of the individual. The cognitive aspect affects a part of the person’s profile and thus may vary with other individuals. How and why they differ can be understood by reviewing the cognitive development as well as personality development of a subject. Cognitive psychology is the school of psychology that examines internal mental processes such as problem solving, memory, and language (Wikipedia 2006). It aims to understand the mental processes in problem solving and how one comes out with a decision in response to certain situations. It acknowledges the scientific method as a valid mental process compared to introspection. Jean Piagett (1896), a cognitive psychologist, explained that the Cognitive development of children involves changes in cognitive process and abilities. In Piaget’s view, early cognitive development involves processes based upon actions and later progresses into changes in mental operations. She explained that a schema includes both a category of knowledge and the processes of obtaining knowledge. Children experiences situations and understand the situation, pleasing or not, and stores information derived from that experience. The schema changes as new experiences were
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
A proposal for an e-business venture Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
A proposal for an e-business venture - Assignment Example Different types of operational issues like growth of phishing activities by hackers and also in the number of fraudulent transactions carried out on the e-commerce platform happen to generate greater risks to the conducting of the e-commerce business. Failure in enhancing data integrity and security in information sharing activities along the e-commerce platform generates effective risk to the e-commerce company (Nastase and Nastase, 2007). The functions of e-commerce companies also run effective technical risk owing to the growth of intrusion of malicious software like Trojan horses; virus attacks and also being affected by worms and activities of hackers that tend to affect both the software and hardware components. Similarly the growth of fraudulent activities and errors also relate to technical risks of the e-commerce site (Sukumar & Edgar, 2009). The management of the above risks entail the use of surveys to identify and evaluate the different types of risks related to e-commerce along with their potential of affecting the present state of activities. It also requires potential communication among interested parties and stakeholders relating to the identification of the different risks. This contributes in generating needed awareness about the risks and thereby in planning effective strategies related to designing of security and authentication tools to help in mitigating the same (Jaffe, 2000). E-commerce business operates based on the gathering of confidential information related to consumers. The e-commerce companies are thus required to act as effective custodians of the personal information generated by the customers through working on the dimensions of internal controls. Ethical and privacy concerns related to e-commerce pertain to the sharing and publication of confidential information of the consumers without the prior consent. Confidential information of consumers shared with third party may also amount to the fraudulent use of such in
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The role of the media within the British political system Essay
The role of the media within the British political system - Essay Example There is a relationship between mass media and society as there is the view that the media are part of democracy since they are themselves a 'free' institution. The media assist the working of a democratic system through facilitating free speech and unrestricted public debate. However, some who believe that the media are anti-democratic argues this with their power to manipulate the way people think about politics. With these two notions in mind, I think that this demonstrates the overall power of the mass media, since they can either set people's minds against the political system or help to generate popular support for it. The mass media refers to all those forms of communication where large numbers of people are exposed to an identical message. The mass media provide the ideas and images, which help most people to understand the world they live in and their place in that world. (Coxall 2003, 1-22). Along with politicians, the public, parties and other organizations, the media play a crucial role in structuring and widening political debate in Britain so that issues such as environment, law and order, or the state of the public services receive attention and are addressed by the government. Television programmes have to compete with each other in order to gain more viewers and readers. They therefore have to make their programmes more attractive to the viewer so there is usually a tendency to make the news more attractive by treating it as entertainment rather than serious news. This may explain why some newspapers are bought more than others because the popular papers provide the public with what they want to read. In terms of a free market, these papers will thrive, while unpopular and unread papers will struggle, with perhaps valid information regarding... Television programs have to compete with each other in order to gain more viewers and readers. They, therefore, have to make their programs more attractive to the viewer so there is usually a tendency to make the news more attractive by treating it as entertainment rather than serious news. This may explain why some newspapers are bought more than others because the popular papers provide the public with what they want to read. In terms of a free market, these papers will thrive, while unpopular and unread papers will struggle, with perhaps valid information regarding communities going unread. Newspapers can be helpful, 'Children achieve more success in early reading skills if they have experience with books and other print media and were read to as preschoolers.' (Comstock, 1991). In England, we value the freedom of the press. The press is the one place where most people go to get educated on issues facing their community, city and most of all their country. Everyone knows that the media plays a major role in people's lives; however, their role of gatekeeper is not completely understood. The press decides which issues to report and how to report them. In order to improve the society and country we live in, I think that the media should present their unbiased findings to allow people to make up their own minds. However, this is not the case. The media often shows it bias. Their widespread exposure enables them to communicate their ideas to the public, regardless of the public's responsiveness.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Learning approach Essay Example for Free
Learning approach Essay The essay examines the comparison of surface approach and deep approach used in university students. As a fact, many first year students, regardless of majors, adopt surface approaches to learning. However, universities encourage students to accept a deep approach to learn rather than surface approach. Therefore, many first year students face a challenge to use which approach to achieve high academic grades. The essay presents the two opposite arguments about the learning approaches, and then raises opinion that deep approach is a much feasible method. The surface approach to learning mentions students just recite study content rather than acknowledge the true meaning. Many first year students nowadays, regardless of their area of study, adopt surface approaches to learning. Actually, such surface learning approach is not quite effective. This is because such approach is stemmed from students’ previous learning knowledge, while the knowledge is not related with positive absorption. The knowledge is owned by students’ tutors rather than students themselves (Masters Donnison, 2010). Students treat the learning courses as routine memorizing process or requirement. They tend to focus much more energy on the surface requirements like reciting words or sentences, pursuit surface meaning of the tasks or courses without their own deep thoughts. Such learning approach makes students seldom timely respond learning strategies, lack learning enthusiasm and driving forces (Entwistle Peterson, 2004). They will often feel pressure about study task, which will impact their confidence from a long run. Furthermore, due to these features, surface approach is usually thought as lack of understanding. Facts have proved that surface approaches to learning are often related with poor academic performance over the first semester of study (Entwistle Peterson, 2004). However, some researchers think it is not correct to think surface approaches to learning are always inefficient or ineffective, for example, as to some courses such as foreign languages study, basic mathematics and etc. , the capability of memory is regarded as necessary, because it builds up the base for deeper learning in such courses (Masters Donnison, 2010). It is well known that advanced study contains learning process which makes students become competent learner who fully understand the academic knowledge and restructure knowledge systems from his own perspective of view. Actually, this explanation reflects the essence of deep approach to learning. A deep approach to learning is defined as a complicated process of individual development which generates the fundamental change of learning habits and perspectives (Rawson, 2000). It is also required students to set up meaningful tasks objectives for engagement, put efforts on understanding deep context meanings and main principles, and utilize academic knowledge into actual practice. Some researchers argue that the deep approach to learning is a kind of innovations in university course, but however it has none business with first year students (Masters Donnison, 2010). The reason is that first year students have limited experiences in campus living and the priority thing for them is get quick familiar with the new surroundings. And what is more, they think it is difficult for first year students to go beyond basic understanding of the learning courses as most of them just start live and study independently (Entwistle Peterson, 2004). Students in first year fail to present the all characteristics related to deep learning such as dedication in specific tasks continuously and persistently (Entwistle Peterson, 2004). But the essay holds on the opinion that deep learning approach is not necessarily impracticable for first year students. The reason is because some first year students have used the deep approach to learning when they are studying in high school. Good learning habits or method is not directly limited by students existing experience and incapacity to merge various kinds of basic knowledge (Donnison Penn-Edwards,2012). Besides the above argument, for first year students, it is important to use strategic approach and put efforts into organized study since study is a process with a specific learning intention to fulfill all kind of assessment (Burton, Taylor, Dowling, Lawrence, 2009). The said organized study contains effective time management and learning behaviors management which mean students need to learn to monitor the effectiveness of their study outcomes. From this point of view, therefore, a deep learning is preferable. At the first year stage, it is suggested that there is a need for students to change students learning habits from surface approaches to deep learning since one of the ultimate objectives of undergraduate education is to establish and develop students’ correct lifelong learning habits and thinking skills, which can benefit their whole life (Burton, Taylor, Dowling, Lawrence, 2009). The learning approaches are much more important and meaningful than academic grades. Many educators argue that the first year in university should be assigned to build up a mature methodology which could consistently help students take advanced learning, and assist them to change learning behaviors to become adaptive with higher education (Entwistle Peterson, 2004). Additionally, deep approach to learning can make many students achieve good academic assessment from a long run. Students engage in learning just because of academic assessment demands, therefore using the appropriate assessment would seem much meaningful. Nowadays, university begins to take the comprehensive assessment system to evaluate students’ achievement rather than just use course scores before. Such changes of assessment practice will also push students to move from initial surface learner to deep learner. Students are encouraged to focus on soft aspects instead of hard scores. It is argued that it is necessary for first year students to make their learning processes transparent. And what is more, it is important to come into being the understanding (Burton, Taylor, Dowling, Lawrence, 2009). In conclusion, some researchers have different arguments or indication for first year students to use a surface approach or a deep approach to learning. Researchers argue that some surface approaches of learning is important for first year students because the skills of memorization can be used to deepen and develop understanding which students can accept and come into being an learning approach (Entwistle Peterson, 2004). They think the deep learning is impracticable and unexpected to first year students. While other opinions think the deep approaches of learning is much more important than surface one because learning attitude and methodology can build up solid base for student lifelong study. There is a place in higher education for a deep approach to learning. The academic scores should not be put into first place for first year students (Burton, Taylor, Dowling, Lawrence, 2009). Certainly, a complete education is aimed to keep balance between knowledge memorization and utilization. The essay proposes that deep approach of learning rather than surface learning should be regarded as an important and necessary method in university study, particularly first year study. Therefore, how to transit from surface approach to deep approach in order to go through the courses smoothly and achieve study objectives is the most critical topic for most of first year students. References list: Burton, L. , Taylor, J. , Dowling, D. , Lawrence, J. (2009). Learning approaches, personality and concepts of knowledge of first-year students: Mature-age versus school leavers. Studies in Learning, Evaluation, Innovation and Development, 6(1), 65-81. Donnison, S. Penn-Edwards, S. (2012). Focusing on first year assessment: Surface or deep approaches to learning? The International Journal of the First Year in Higher Education, 3(2),9-20 Entwistle, N. , Peterson, E. (2004). Conceptions of learning and knowledge in higher education: Relationships with study behaviour and influences of learning environments. International Journal of Educational Research, 41, 407-428. Masters, J. , Donnison, S. (2010). First year transition in teacher education: The pod experience. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 35(2), 87-98. Penn-Edwards, S. , Donnison, S. (2011). Engaging with higher education academic support: A first year student teacher transition model. European Journal of Education, 46(4), 566-580. Rawson, M. (2000). Learning to learn: More than a skill set. Studies in Higher Education, 25(2), 225-238.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
A Rose For Emily - In Memory Of Emily Grierson Essay -- essays researc
In the short story  ¡Ã‚ §A Rose for Emily, ¡Ã‚ ¨ (1930) William Faulkner presents Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s instable state of mind through a missed sequence of events. Faulkner arranges the story in fractured time and then introduces characters who contribute to the development of Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s personality. The theme of isolation is also presented by Faulkner ¡Ã‚ ¦s descriptive words and symbolic images. Faulkner uses anachronism to illustrate Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s confused mind. The story is split into five sections. The first section begins with Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s funeral and moves on to her past. Faulkner first recaptures the dispensation of Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s taxes in 1894, he continues by illustrating Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s nature no to accepts new concepts. When the  ¡Ã‚ §next generation, with its more modern ideas ¡Ã‚ ¨ comes along, Miss Emily refuses to accept them (1009). Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s mixed feeling about the past is reflected in the structure of the story. Unlike most stories, the narrator does not continue the plot with the next chronological event rather presents one that happened two years earlier. This switch once again mirrors Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s unclear state of mind. The story ¡Ã‚ ¦s disjointed time frame not only reflects a puzzled memory but it also suggests Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s unwillingness to move along with time. While the reader reads through time and expects the story to be in sequence, Faulkner deliberately switches the time back and forth to emphasize Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s desire to stay in past. After the author introduces the character of Miss Emily, he goes back even further into the past to explain why Miss Emily possesses her unique personality. He also contributes to the development of Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s personality through the introduction of her father, Homer Barron, and Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s great aunt who all influence her maturity and experience of life. The primary figure in Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s life is her father. Faulkner uses this relationship to reveal Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s reserved nature. Because her father is an upper class figure, some of his ways of thinking has  ¡Ã‚ §thwarted [Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s] life ¡Ã‚ ¨ (1013). Miss Emily has always been kept in confined environments that only her father knows what she will do. The event of her father ¡Ã‚ ¦s death is a shock to Miss Emily because the guidance of her father is gone. This explains Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s behavior after her father ¡Ã‚ ¦s death as well as her reaction to another ... ...ulkner ¡Ã‚ ¦s short story  ¡Ã‚ §A Rose for Emily ¡Ã‚ ¨ uses many literary devices such as plot to emphasize the theme of mixed memory. While most stores are written in chronological order, this story is broken up into characters to build up Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s personality both externally and internally. While Faulkner uses Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s father and homer Barron to affect miss Emily in her environment, Faulkner also old lady Wyatt to suggest the possible inheritance of this unexplainable behavior from her family. Descriptive words are another big part of the story since Faulkner uses them to describe the themes of old age and isolation. While  ¡Ã‚ §coquettish decay ¡Ã‚ ¨ and  ¡Ã‚ §tarnished gold head ¡Ã‚ ¨ is used to compare old to new,  ¡Ã‚ §noblesse oblique ¡Ã‚ ¨ is used to reflect Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s past. Not only does Faulkner use descriptive words to describe Miss Emily, but he also uses symbolism. Throughout the story, Faulkner uses the description of Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s house to refer to Miss Emily herself. Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s once normal behavior and deterioration is captured in the house ¡Ã‚ ¦s old-fashioned look and the decayed look. Faulkner uses all these literary devices to present the themes of mixed memory, old age and isolation.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Debate Concerning Medical Marijuana Essay -- legalization of marij
In Nov. 1996 the people of the State of California approved proposition 215, the initiative that could make marijuana legally available as a medicine in the U.S. for the first time in 60 years. Under this initiative the government will not prosecute patients or their caregivers who possess or cultivate marijuana for medical treatment. The medical recommendation may be either written or oral and doctors cannot be penalized by the state of Arizona at the same time. However at this time it is still illegal to posses, administer, sell or use marijuana in any of the other 48 states across the U.S. Why haven’t the rest of the country followed the lead of these two states? What this paper attempts to do is provide an argument that it is immoral to deny seriously ill patients the right to use marijuana for medical purposes, and that the current misconceptions about marijuana have been grossly overstated. Basically I’m going to prove the marijuana has been given a bum rap. Currently there is question as to whither there is a valid use for marijuana for medicinal use. This question has been the spark for much controversy. â€Å"There is no evidence to prove marijuana’s use in chemotherapy. There are numerous alternative drugs that obviate the need to even pursue research on the subject.†Our course scientific research would give use a different opinion than the one above that current President Bill Clinton has stated above. Marijuana’s therapeutic uses are well documented in the modern scientific literature. Using either smoked marijuana or oral preparations of delta-9-THC (marijuana’s main active ingredient), researchers have conducted controlled studies. These studies demonstrate marijuana’s usefulness in â€Å"reducing nausea and vomiting, †â€Å"stimulating appetite, promoting weight gain, and diminishing intraocular pressure from glaucoma. †There is also evidence that smoked marijuana and/or TH C â€Å"reduce muscle spasticity form spinal chord injuries and multiple sclerosis, and diminish tremors in multiple sclerosis patients. †Other therapeutic uses for marijuana have not been widely studied. However, patients and physicians have reported that smoked marijuana have not been widely studied. However patients and physicians have reported that smoked marijuana â€Å"provides relief from migraine headaches, depression, seizures, insomnia, convulsion, and chronic pai... ...tion Act of 1994, Farmington, MA (20 October 1994 York, Sarah., â€Å"The Battle for Medical Marijuana†The Nation, v246 n1 p14 (Jan 6, 1997) Ibid.,Ibid., Grinspoon, L. and Bakalar, J.B., Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine, Revised and Expanded Edition, New Haven: Yale University Press (1997) Morganthau, Tom, â€Å"The War over Weed†, Newsweek v129 n5 p20 (Feb. 3 1997) Ibid., p20 Mcwiliams Peter, â€Å"The General’s Loophole†, Playboy v46 n12 p61 (Dec. 1999) Benson, John., â€Å"From Marijuana To Medicine†, Issues in Science and Technology, v15 i3 p27 (Spring 1999) Grinspoon, Lester., â€Å"Prescribing the Forbidden Medicine†, Playboy, v45 n8 p42 (August 1998) Armentano, Paul., Could The FDA Approve Medical Marijuana?†High Times, n226 p40 (August 1998) Randall, R.C., Marijuana, Medicine and the Law, Washington, DC: Galen Press p27 (1986) Drug Reform Coordination Rist, Curtist., â€Å"Weed the People†People Weekly, v46 n17 p75 (Oct. 21 1996) Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics Act, Section 505 Randall, R.C., Cancer Treatment and Marijuana, Washington, DC: Galen Press (1990) Gingrich, N., â€Å"Legal Status of Marijuana,†Journal of the American Medical Association p247 (1982)
Friday, October 11, 2019
Juvenile Crime and Parenting Education
â€Å"Will Teaching Parents how to Parent decrease Juvenile Crime†What Is the Best Evidence Based Program that can be Implemented and Successful In Reducing Juvenile Crime By Vanessa Figures Capable University Dry. Linda Samuels Table of Contents I. Abstract II. Problem Statement Ill. Introduction ‘V. Conclusion V. Annotated Bibliography A. Juvenile Crimes and statistics B. Support for parental education & Importance of parents In reducing Juvenile crime. C. Opposition to parental importance in reducing juvenile crime D. Theories VI. References Abstract There are 70. Lion juveniles in the united States, of those 1. 7 million juveniles committed crimes in 2010, Many theories and evidence based research exist that support and oppose the importance parents play in a juvenile's life. There are many factors in determining behavior and its causation and no â€Å"one†solution will stop juvenile crime. One common theme is found in research studies on Juvenile crime, and Its prevention, and that Is educating parents on parenting can reduce Juvenile crime. What theories work and Is their concrete evidence wealth research to support the parental interventions?Problem Statement: Juvenile Crime and parenting education: Will teaching parents how to parent decrease Juvenile crime? What parenting method works best In nurturing and providing the needs of the Juvenile, and what evidence based theoretical program exists that can intervene? Introduction In the United States there are 70. 5 million Juveniles under the age of 18, of those in the past year 1. 7 million have been involved with the â€Å"Juvenile Justice System†. In the last one hundred years the Juvenile system has used an offender based approach to along Walt Juvenile crime. Away as our closely NAS change Ana ten clientele understanding of behavior has improved there is a great need to find evidence based answers (Hinting, Sims, Adam & West, 2007). The Justice system has changed over to a n offense based approach that seeks to find solutions, but the offense is the end result of choice and behavior. The Juvenile offender needs to be the focus, many research studies site that lack of parental education is part of the problem, so it goes without saying that part of the solution should be parental education (Hinting, Sims, Adam & West, 2007).There are psychological, physical and biological factors in determining the best prevention method in Juvenile crime. The younger the offender the more likely they will continue in a life of crime. Palermo, (2006), sites parental monitoring, consistency, and ability as factors in determining the risk of Juvenile delinquency. Criminal behavior does not Just start one day, anti-social behavior is nurtured by environmental, biological, sociological, and parenthetical factors.The Juvenile Justice system uses many evidence based methods, one such method is the use of â€Å"Risk Assessment†. Is their validity in the use of risk ass essments in determining the carcinogenic factor and the propensity to re-offend? Does parenting lay a factor in Juvenile offenders and their likelihood of re-offending? Many factors are studied and supported, however there are unreliable statistics within the research field. However; one common theme appears to play a formative foundational role in Juvenile carcinogenic behavior.That is the role of the parent and the lack of consistent, nurturing, structure, and monitoring parenting abilities (Webster, MacDonald, & Simpson, 2006). In a study completed by Monsoon, (2004), findings showed that the need for parental education in character building is not only necessary, but imperative. The study does not stop with the parents, but also shows that Juveniles also need strength based character training. The objective of this training is to strengthen the characters of the parent and Juvenile by teaching hope, kindness, social intelligence, self-control, and perspective.The study purports that strengthening these positive character traits in Juveniles and their parents will not only provide a strong foundation, but also buffer the negative effects of tension, and trauma, thus preventing extenuating disorders that can introduce itself due to the negative actions of others in the Juvenile's life. Character strengths are here defined as a family of positive traits reflected in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors†(Monsoon, 2004). When parents are not educated they are left with parents whose parenting skills are skewed, inconsistent, and/or non-existent.The importance of communication and education between the Juveniles and parents cannot be stressed enough. Further when a Juvenile's behavior causes stress in parents then the outcome is a behavioral circle where the Juvenile acts out, causing the parents behavior toward the Juvenile to become negative and this continues over and over again. These factors all play a role in the carcinogenic factor of Juvenile delinqu ency (Stewart, Simons, Conger, & Carmella, 2004). There are many research studies that put the inability of a parent to parent as a major role in the determination of Juvenile delinquency. Never, Culled, & Agene, (2006) article contends that â€Å"bad parenting†is a carcinogenic factor in causes for delinquent juveniles. Many who have researched this topic have agreed on this fact, but what constitutes a â€Å"Dad parent' Research snows Tanat many Doctors go Into ten explanation; two main theories are focused on in this study; low self-control and preferential association and social learning and their competing accounts of why bad parenting matters. Juveniles will follow the social norms they are around; there is a kind of conforming even when their life at home may be far different from that of their social crowd.Juveniles that have low self-control will ultimately seek out anti- social structures and will either lead or follow those structures. Unfortunately most of the t ime Juveniles are followers that are looking for acceptance and support. When those needs are not received at home Juveniles will look for it elsewhere, The robber with this is many social settings that offer this support are gangs, adult criminals and anti-social peers (Never, Culled, & Agene, 2006). There is empirical evidence to show that there is a strong link between parental mismanagement and Juvenile delinquency.This study believes that parental education is a necessary support system that will reap great rewards not only to families but their communities as well. The Justice system believes that using court sanctions will deter Juveniles from crime and recidivism. However this has an affect not only on the Juvenile, but the parent as well. This study suggests that the Justice yester look to build the Juveniles strengths and their families and this will eventually reduce Juvenile crime in our nation (Never, Culled, & Agene, 2006).Not all research agrees that parents are the f oundational source necessary to decrease juvenile crime. In a study completed by Barry, Brick, & Grandma, (2008) does not support, that parenting is the cause of delinquent behavior. There has been much research into parenting skills, ability, positive, negative etc. , but there have been few research studies completed on understanding the internal and external emotional behavioral functioning of Juveniles extensively enough. In this study, they attempt to show that even if a child grows up under inadequate parents this does not preclude that they will become delinquent.The study sites the need for multiple research studies on psychological and behavioral factors, not Just outside factors (Barry, Brick, & Grandma, 2008). Theory should be testable, coherent, economical, generalized, and be able to explain findings. These characteristics serve as a primary function of theory and that is to generate new ideas and new discoveries. There are a few evidence based theories being implemente d within the Juvenile justice system (Higgins, 2005). Two theories that are being successfully implemented are Dry.William Classer's â€Å"Choice Theory' and Dry. James Alexander â€Å"Functionalist Theory'. These theories have been use for the last 6 years successfully in motivating behavioral changes in parenting and Juvenile behaviors (Adler, 2008). This theory believes that all behavior comes from within, that the choices we make start with our needs at that time. â€Å"Choice Theory' has five needs that are intrinsic and the root cause of the observed behavior. These are to survive, belong and be loved by others, have power and importance, freedom and independence, and to eave fun.These desires within generate behavior and desires. Juveniles that are socially broken and have not been taught self control, limits and social norms are more inclined towards crime. The theory works on the social structure of the Juvenile and their families and facilitates their own ability to see where the problems are and work towards strengthening the weak areas (Burdens, 2010). Brand, Lane, I runner, I-Alan, & Sense , (u/) completed a pilot program to research Intervention Tanat sought to improve parental communication and social peer choice.The study was lull in the end, but there were positive changes within the control group in better communication and spending time with their parents. The Juveniles also felt closer to their parents and had more trust in them overall. The researchers sited that level of program intensity, implementation issues, and other problems inherent in doing this type of research are provided as possible explanations for the lack of differences. In another similar study completed by Prone, Sullivan, Pratt, & Maryanne, (2004) observed more positive outcomes from their study.The site that many studies have en completed, but they fall short in their ability to truly represent a national sample of youth and levels of delinquency. â€Å"The Self Con trol Theory' has been widely accepted, this study sought to show that â€Å"Self Control Theory' in and of itself is not a predictor of Juvenile delinquency. Rather many factors such as parenting ability are just as predictive and supported. Conclusion In order to find and implement strong evidence based program in educating parents on parenting, much research and interviewing has been completed.There are hundreds of articles that substantiate that parenting ability is one of the nutritional factors in predicting Juvenile crime in the United States. There are few articles that challenge the findings of these research studies. One such study stated that there have been few research studies completed on understanding the internal and external emotional behavioral functioning of Juveniles extensively enough. That without such studies it would be wrong to strongly state that parenting is a major factor in Juvenile crime (Barry, Brick, & Grandma, 2008).Dry. James Alexander founded †Å"Functionality Therapy' this therapy works on the premise that when a Juvenile is put into a program for an extended time and take from their implies that change occurs. The problem is that when the Juvenile comes home he/ she comes back into the same environment they left. This causes chaos and confusion within the Juvenile, â€Å"Functionality Therapy' seeks to help the family see their strengths and work on those strengths together with the Juvenile (.This program was started in 1972 and is now used nationwide in the United States and abroad. â€Å"Functional Family Therapy' (FT), has provided significant and long-term reductions in youth re-offending and violent behavior, effectiveness in reducing sibling entry into high-risk behaviors, Low drop-out and high completion rates, and Positive impacts on family conflict, family communication, parenting, and youth problem behavior. â€Å"One of Fat's hallmarks is its ability to fit an array of service delivery settings where at-ri sk adolescents are served.The robustness of the model has resulted in numerous adaptations of the traditional FT model; as a case management practice for Juvenile Probation and Parole Officers (OFF), as a comprehensive Child Welfare intervention (FT OCW), and as part of a continuum of evidence-based programs within Juvenile Justice†(Brand, Turner, Fain, & Shall, 2007). The continuing research into this program and its ability to fit into the immunity will be implemented in the coming weeks in order to ensure that the program will indeed help to reduce Juvenile crime and recidivism in the â€Å"Juvenile Justice system†. O Tar ten research does support TN e Y I Model an successfully within the system. Annotated Bibliography l. Juvenile Crimes and statistics TTY to work Hinting, J. , Sims, P. , Adams, M. , & West, C. (2007). Juvenile Justice a system divided. Retrieved from Capable University library on 1/23/11 from. Http:// www. Supplications. Com A. The â€Å"Juvenile Justice System†is divided in deciding which type philosophy to follow. The offense-based approach compared to the offender-based approach on which the Juvenile Justice system was founded.Where do the family and community fit into this philosophy? Palermo, G. (2006). Editorial: Juvenile crime: A renewed suggestion for prevention. Retrieved from Capable University library on 1/25/11 from. Http://I]o. Seepage. Com/content/ 46/6/627 B. There are psychological, physical and biological factors in determining the best prevention method in Juvenile crime. Atone time the ages between 18-35 were well known as the ages that most crimes are committed. Today the offenders are such younger, the younger the offender the more likely they will continue in a life of crime.Parental monitoring, consistency, and ability are also a factor in determining the risk of Juvenile delinquency. Webster, C. , MacDonald, R. , & Simpson, M. (2006). Predicting criminality? Risk factors, neighborhood influence and distance. Retrieved from Capable University on 01122/11 from. Http://www. Supplications. Com C. What is the validity of risk assessments in determining the carcinogenic factor and re-offending? Does parenting play a factor in Juvenile offenders and their likelihood of re-offending?Many factors are studied and supported, however there are unreliable statistics within the research field and this article shows how this affects the role of parent and Juvenile delinquency. II. Support for parental education & importance of parents in reducing Juvenile crime. Monsoon, P. (2004). Character strengths and positive youth development. Retrieved from Capable University library on 01/21/11 from. Http://www. Supplications. Com A. This article supports both parental and Juvenile education; the goal is to strengthen the characters of both by teaching hope, kindness, social intelligence, self-control, and perspective.The objective purports that strengthening these positive character traits in J uveniles and their parents will not only provide a strong foundation, but also buffer the negative effects of tension, and trauma, thus preventing extenuating Lassoers Tanat can Introduce Itself Owe to ten negative actions of others in the Juvenile's life. â€Å"Character strengths are here defined as a family of positive traits reflected in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors†. Stewart, E. , Simons, R. , Conger, R. , & Carmella, L. (2004). Legal sanctions beyond the international relationship between delinquency and parenting practices.Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency. Retrieved from Capable University Library on 01/21/11 from. Http://www. Supplications. Com B. The article shows parents whose parenting skills are skewed, inconsistent, and/ or non-existent produce delinquent Juveniles. The article goes on to state the importance of communication between the Juveniles and parents. When a Juvenile's behavior causes stress in parents then the outcome is a behavioral ci rcle where the juvenile acts out, causing the parents behavior toward the Juvenile to become negative and this continues over and over again. Maneuver. , Culled, F. Agene, R. (2006).Why is â€Å"bad†parenting carcinogenic? Implications from rival theories. Retrieved from Capable University library on 01/20/11 from. Http://yam. Seepage. Com/content/4/113 C. The research for this article contends that â€Å"bad parenting†is a carcinogenic factor in causes for delinquent Juveniles. Many who have researched this topic have agreed on this fact, but what constitutes a â€Å"bad parent†? This research shows that many factors go into the explanation, two main theories are focused on in this article; low self-control and differential association and social learning and their competing accounts of why bad parenting matters.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Microbiology Essay
Unknown reports in microbiology are written in scientific format. Scientific writing is written differently from other types of writing. The results of the exercise or experiment are what are being showcased, not the writing. The purpose of scientific writing is not to entertain, but to inform. The writing should be simple and easy to understand. There is a specific style that must be followed when writing scientific reports. Scientific writing is typically written in the passive voice. The pronouns â€Å"I†, â€Å"We†and â€Å"They†are not typically used.. For example, instead of writing â€Å"I used a TSA agar plate to isolate my unknown,†it is customary to write, â€Å"A trypticase soy agar (TSA) plate was used to isolate the unknown.†It is also customary to write in the past tense for most of the report. This includes the introduction, the summary, the description of the materials and methods and the results. The present tense is reserved for the conclusions about the results. See the examples given below. Some other general rules that should be followed are: Microbial nomenclature: The name of the bacterium should written and spelled correctly. The name should be italicized or underlined. Italicized is preferred. For example, Staphylococcus aureus. The genus is capitalized but the species is not. After the full genus name is given in the paper, it can be written as S. aureus, but still italicized. This is as long as there in no other genera in the paper that starts with the same letter. MATERIALS AND METHODS This is where the details of the study are listed. Where did the specimen come from, and what methods were used to identify it? Be specific, but do not re write the lab manual. One way is to mention the names of the materials used and reference the lab manual for the procedure or method and then continue to elaborate when necessary. See example 1. Example 1: â€Å"An unknown labeled as letter G was given out by the lab instructor. The methods that have been learned thus far for identifying bacteria have been applied to this unknown. Procedures were followed as stated in the course laboratory manual by De Mers (1), unless otherwise noted. The first procedure that needed to be done was to streak the unknown out on a Trypticase Soy Agar plate, using the T streak method described in the lab manual.. This needed to be done in order to test the purity of the unknown. After the plates were incubated and grown, the morphology was observed and recorded and a Gram stain was performed. Quality control bacteria were Gram stained along with the unknown to make sure that the Gram stain reaction was done correctly . After determining the Gram reaction, specific biochemical tests were performed. The biochemical tests were chosen from the unknown identification tables that were in the lab manual. Since unknown G was determined to be a Gram negative rod, an oxidase test was performed and the organism was inoculated into a BCP lactose tube. Note all of these tests were performed by the methods listed in the lab manual by De Mers (1). Table 1 lists the test, purpose, reagents and results. All of the following tests were performed on thi s unknown: 1. Oxidase test 2. BCP Lactose 3. Indole 4. H2S 5. Citrate 6. Motility 7. Methyl Red 8. Urea†Another way is to write out the methods in detail in either a paragraph form or listed. This way is not necessary for this type of paper, since this is lab report for the identification of an unknown bacterium and the methods are explained in detail in the lab manual. If there is a procedure that the instructor added or made changes to, or the student used another procedure not in the course lab manual, then it should be written out and referenced.
Oedipus Rex Cosmic Trial
Caitlin Lacy AP English Literature 11/12/12 Persuasive Essay Everything happens for a reason. You were born for a reason, there’s a reason you got an F on your math quiz. Everything happens for a reason. Most of the time the reason for something bad happening might not be very clear to you, but it’s there. Everything that happens to you happens because it all leads up to your ultimate fate, you can’t change your fate because for one, you probably don’t know what it is, but if you happened to know, everything you do to prevent it will eventually lead up to it.Think back to why you got an F on your math quiz, you didn’t study at all. So, you get your quiz back and your teacher asks you to stay after class, after her lecture you walk out of class late and you bump into a guy, long story short, he’s your soul mate and fifteen years later you’re happily married. Imagine if you had studied. It was fate, you weren’t supposed to study. No one is to blame for Laius’s death, not even Oedipus, it was fate, and fate can’t be avoided.Before reading the play, we’re already aware of Oedipus’s story. We know what his ultimate fate is, so we know what that all of Oedipus’s actions led up to his ultimate fate. One of the first clues we are given is also one of the biggest clues proving that fate can’t be changed. King Laius didn’t kill Oedipus himself, he ordered the shepherd to do it for him. There was no way for Laius to know whether the shepherd would kill the infant or not because he wasn’t present.Naturally, the shepherd didn’t kill Oedipus because Oedipus was just an infant, and a person with a heart probably wouldn’t kill an infant just because, the shepherd then proceeded to give Oedipus to a messenger who then took the baby to Corinth where Oedipus was adopted by the king and queen. This leads to another clue, which is the fact that Oedipus was r aised to believe that the king and queen of Corinth were his biological parents. Had he known they were his adoptive parents he most likely wouldn’t have gone to the oracle to Apollo at Delphi.The very fact that he went to see the oracle is just another example of fate prevailing. Once Oedipus learned his fate he left Corinth because he obviously didn’t want the prophecy to come true. Fate is the strongest theme in the story, another reason why fate is to blame for King Laius’s death. He had to be killed by his son no matter what; every single action in the play shows that. From the very beginning there was a way around this terrible fate, but Laius lost the chance when he ordered someone else to do his dirty work for him.Also, Oedipus was a baby at the time so he had no control over what was happening to him, and it would also be ridiculous for Oedipus to be blamed for his father’s death, because he was destined to fulfill this prophecy from before he wa s even born. If there was no prophecy, and Oedipus had killed his father, then he could be blamed, but there is too much evidence suggesting otherwise. From the way everything plays out you can see that fate is the cause of the whole ordeal. The minute Oedipus found out what he was destined for, he fled Corinth, because, as mentioned before, he believed that his adoptive parents were his biological parents.If you found out that you were destined for something as terrible was what Oedipus was destined for, you’d probably leave home too. No one who is sane wants to marry their mother and kill their father, Oedipus found out and tried to prevent this from happening, one might argue that his efforts to prevent his fate led to his fate, which is true, but he had no way of knowing that among the men he killed in the road that one of them was his father, and that the woman he married was his mother. â€Å"Now my curse on the murderer.Whoever he is, a lone man unknown in his crime o r one among many, let that man drag out his life in agony, step by painful step-â€Å" Oedipus, 280-283. Although this quote is extremely ironic, it shows that Oedipus has no idea he killed his father, and also that he believes that the act was wrong, and that the murderer needs to be punished. We also know that Oedipus murdered his father and his father’s men at a triple crossroad, there were two other roads for Oedipus to follow after killing the men, but for some reason, fate, it happened to be the road that led to Thebes.Fate, once again. Oedipus, once again, had no way of knowing that he had chosen the path to Thebes, it was just supposed to be that way. At the time of Oedipus’s arrival in Thebes, there was a sphinx keeping people out of the city, anyone who guessed the sphinx’s riddle incorrectly was devoured. Also, Oedipus had already fulfilled half of the prophecy, which meant that he was going to answer the riddle correctly because he had to get to The bes to be able to wed Jocasta.Because Oedipus saved Thebes, and because the king was mysteriously murdered, it was custom for Oedipus to marry the widowed queen, it had always been that way and there was no reason for Oedipus to reject her, he had no idea that he was about to marry and have kids with his mother. By this time, the prophecy was then fulfilled, and no one had any idea about it. The prophecy ended here. There wasn’t anything anyone could do anymore. Many years passed and Oedipus came to be one of the greatest kings Thebes had ever seen.Until the city of Thebes fell under a terrible plague, and everything Oedipus knew went downhill from there. When Oedipus was informed that finding Laius’s murderer would help bring happiness back to Thebes, he was set on it, because he was a good king. â€Å"OEDIPUS: From whom of these our townsmen, and what house? ?SHEPHERD: Forbear for God's sake, master, ask no more. ?OEDIPUS: If I must question thee again, thou'rt lost . (1164-1167)†This exchange between Oedipus and the shepherd shows that Oedipus will stop at nothing to save his people and find the murderer.It wasn’t fate that led Oedipus to the truth, it was his own determination. He was completely blind to the truth, but when he figured out that all the clues pointed to him, he did something that most people wouldn’t do, he punished himself, he kept his word that Laius’s murderer would suffer, and Laius’s murderer did suffer indeed. He begged Creon to exile him; he gouged his own eyes out. Oedipus might be the one to blame for uncovering the truth, but he definitely isn’t the one to blame for killing Laius, it was set in stone for him, and there was no way around that.
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